Search Engine Optimisation


In a world where online presence is crucial for businesses, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a pivotal role in helping websites rise above the noise and reach their intended audience. By harnessing the power of SEO, Canny Commerce empowers businesses to boost their visibility, increase organic traffic, and ultimately achieve higher conversions.

With our expertise in both web design and SEO strategies, we create aesthetically pleasing websites that not only captivate visitors but also soar to the top of search engine rankings. Let us unlock the full potential of your online presence and pave the way to digital domination!

image of SEO strategy wrote on paper

Would You Like A Free SEO Audit?

We will provide a full report detailing SEO opportunities, and a tailored fixed or monthly fee to make things happen!

picture of Matt Elener

Why Choose Canny Commerce

In the fast-paced world of search engine optimization, complacency can be a perilous path to follow.

However, at Canny Commerce, we pride ourselves on being different. We understand that search engine algorithms are in a perpetual state of flux, continuously evolving without waiting for agencies and professionals to catch up. That’s why we foster a genuine passion for search marketing among our team, creating a culture of constant learning and knowledge sharing. We firmly believe that staying ahead of the curve is the only way to provide our clients with a tangible competitive advantage.

At Canny Commerce, we prioritize client communication and transparency, taking the mystery out of SEO through clear and understandable explanations. We empower our clients by equipping them with knowledge and comprehensive reports. This commitment to excellence has earned us a stellar reputation in the industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to commonly asked questions about our SEO services, process, and more. We’re here to address any concerns you may have and provide clarity on how we can help bring your vision to life.

It is important to approach with caution any SEO agency that guarantees specific outcomes, as no agency can truly guarantee results. The ever-evolving algorithms, with numerous changes occurring annually, make it dishonest for any agency to claim a permanent first-place ranking.

Nevertheless, we possess a high level of confidence in our capabilities, supported by tangible evidence displayed on this page. Once we conduct an initial audit of your website, we will always be transparent about the attainable goals within the given timeframes and budget. This way, you can make an informed decision before proceeding further.

The duration for your rankings to commence after partnering with Canny Commerce can significantly vary. It primarily relies on the initial state and effectiveness of your existing website's SEO.

If your website already boasts robust SEO metrics, you can anticipate noticeable progress within approximately three months.

However, for a completely new website lacking any SEO history, it may take approximately six months before you start seeing satisfactory results.

Through our preliminary evaluation, we can typically provide you with a more accurate estimation of the expected timeline for achieving results.

The expenses associated with your SEO campaign are contingent upon the search volume and difficulty of the keywords you aim to target. It is understandable that a more competitive market with challenging keywords will require additional effort on our part.

During the initial phase of exploring your SEO campaign, we will collaborate with you to identify the optimal set of keywords for your business. While you may already have some specific keywords in mind, through further research, we can also incorporate long-tail keywords that are less competitive yet still capable of driving traffic and providing a significant boost.

Subsequently, we will provide you with a fixed price, ensuring complete clarity regarding the monthly cost before you make any decisions.

Undoubtedly, there are a few factors that underscores the significance of SEO or search engine optimization for you: mainly, gaining a competitive advantage on the internet.

By investing in SEO, you can enhance your online visibility and effectively connect with your target audience. Continuously being in the spotlight can result in improved website traffic, valuable leads, increased conversions, and ultimately, greater profitability. It's an enticing prospect that appeals to anyone, wouldn't you agree?

On-site SEO, commonly referred to as on-page SEO, involves the optimisation of webpage or website content to achieve higher rankings on popular search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Canny Commerce specializes in various on-page SEO enhancements, including optimising title tags, enhancing alt texts for images, boosting internal linking, and rejuvenating the overall content presented on the page.

While on-page SEO focuses on the visible changes made to a website, off-page SEO encompasses strategies implemented outside of the website.

Off-page SEO involves various practices, including link building, guest posting, social media marketing on relevant platforms, and many other techniques.

These behind-the-scenes processes play a crucial role in establishing credibility and enhancing the visibility of a business.

Every month, your Project Manager will provide you with a comprehensive report. This report will feature graphical representations displaying the progress of your keywords and their rankings on search engines over time.

Additionally, you will receive a written report outlining the achievements made during the month, including a summary of our actions taken and our plans for the upcoming month. If you have any queries at any stage, feel free to ask, and we'll be readily available to address them.

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Whether you have a specific new web design project in mind or require assistance with an existing business or brand our team is here to help. Take the first step towards an exceptional digital presence.